Farkwar – free multiplatform offshore position reporting – painlessly

There are a many solutions for reporting position when offshore. Many of them entails buying a device like Spot or YB and adding a service subscription. What makes Farkwar stand out is that it is free, works from anywhere, anytime and from a multiple of devices and communication platforms. You probably already own a device that works; SatPhone, amateur radio, wifi.
If you like there is an option to customise sending of e-mail notifications to recipients that your designate or to Twitter or Facebook for that matter
Tucker Bradford is the founder and developer behind. He, and his family of four are actively cruising around the globe. So head over to Farkwar and give it a try. Maybe you will do like us – use it.
Farkwar was launched May 2014.
Update on cruising plans – explore the North Norwegian coast line
Currently it looks like Iris will start exploring the Norwegian coastline towards Tromsø. This may be surprising a few since it is our backyard. Bear in mind, however, that the journey to the North is distancewise equal to sailing into the Med. – and maybe this video may open your eyes toward the backyard. At …